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Instructions for Waterproof Smart Fitness Tracker

Charging Instructions:

The fitness tracker has a built-in USB Charger that gets plugged directly into any USB port. It does not have a separate charger. To charge the device, please follow the instructions below.

1. To expose the charger, please remove both straps off the device by turning/pulling the straps towards the side. Do not twist the straps or pull them straight outwards. To download a brief video demonstration of proper strap removal, please click on the link below. 

Click Here for a Video Demonstration of Strap Removal

2. Once the straps are removed, plug in the side with the two metal strips into a USB Port. The two metal strips need to be facing the correct side of the USB port so if it does not start charging, then you may have plugged it in incorrectly so please try flipping it and plugging it in with the two metal strips facing the other side of the USB port or in other words with the display screen facing the other direction. Please see the picture below for reference. If you are still not able to charge the device, please record a brief video of the device being plugged in to a USB port and send that video to us by email to info@EliteFitnessEssentials.com so that we may be able to better assist you. Once the device is charged, if it is not on then you can turn it on by pressing and holding the oval touch button for several seconds. 


Pairing Instructions:

The app for the Waterproof Smart Fitness Tracker is called FitPro. Please download that app onto your smartphone. Please note that the fitness tracker can only be paired through the FitPro app, it cannot be paired directly through your phone’s bluetooth settings. Please follow the steps below to pair the fitness tracker with the FitPro app. 

  1. Make sure that the fitness tracker is charged.
  2. Make sure that you've downloaded the correct FitPro app. Please see the picture of the app below for your reference.
  3. Make sure that bluetooth is turned on in your phone’s settings and make sure that no device is paired with your phone’s bluetooth, including the fitness tracker. If anything is paired, then un-pair it. 
  4. Open the FitPro app and click on the settings tab on the bottom. 
  5. Bring the fitness tracker directly next to your phone and then click on the bind devices button. If you do not see that button, please delete and reinstall the app. Keep the fitness tracker active by continually tapping on the touch button while the app searches for the fitness tracker. 
  6. Once you see your fitness tracker in the list of devices, click on it to pair. 
  7. If your fitness tracker did not come up in the list or if you failed to pair for some other reason, please delete the app, turn off bluetooth on your phone, and then follow the steps again from the beginning.