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3 Healthy Strategies for Losing Those Pesky Lockdown Pounds

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According to EatingWell, the average American gained 12.5 lbs during the coronavirus lockdown — or 15.1 lbs for men and 10.7 for women. And while this isn’t too surprising considering how many of us have been stress eating, canceling our gym memberships, and spending more time in front of our screens over the past several months, it isn’t too late to shed some of those pesky lockdown pounds. In the sections below, the team at Elite Fitness Essentials offers some tips on how to do it as safely and healthily as possible!


A few simple dietary changes can go a long way when it comes to losing weight, especially if you work on increasing your fiber intake, planning and prepping your meals each week, and munching on healthy snacks throughout the day. Plus, a few supplements, shakes, and beverages can help to simplify your transition to healthier eating:

  • Metabolism-boosting teas and drinks. According to Prevention, some of the best metabolism-boosting beverages include green tea, lemon water, apple cider vinegar, vegetable juices, and protein shakes.
  • Quality pre-workout supplements. Quality supplements can provide a boost of energy, helping you maintain your stamina and motivation as you embark on your journey to weight loss.
  • Moringa capsules and extracts. Moringa, in addition to reducing your risk of diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure, can help to burn fat and reduce inflammation throughout the body.


Before taking any new dietary supplement, remember to seek approval from your doctor. Your doctor can help you to determine whether a specific supplement, vitamin, or beverage will be safe and effective for you.


Whether you’ve had to cancel your gym membership due to COVID-19 or you’d simply prefer to exercise at home during the pandemic, plenty of free online workout videos are available to stream over the internet — allowing you to get fit from the safety of your living room. You can find these workout videos on YouTube, or you could try other calorie-burning activities like kickboxing, jumping rope, running, and cycling. Plus, the experts at HGTV offer some tips on building a home gym — even if you’re short on living space. For added motivation, consider investing in an Elite Fitness Essentials fitness tracker to help monitor your progress, as well as monitor your heart rate and your sleep.


Amidst the pandemic, many of us are dealing with more stress in our daily lives — whether we’re worrying about contracting or spreading the coronavirus, homeschooling our kids, or paying the bills and putting food on our tables. However, this added stress in our lives could be contributing to some or all of our weight gain. According to Everyday Health, stress and weight gain often go hand-in-hand — and both can increase our risk of anxiety, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and other health conditions.

To alleviate some of the stress you may be experiencing during the pandemic, be sure to incorporate the following activities into your daily life:

  • Physical activity, yoga, and time in nature
  • Deep breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation
  • Relaxing hobbies like reading books and listening to music


If you’re still struggling to keep your stress levels in check, don’t be afraid to enlist the help of a professional. Amid the pandemic, you can easily find the help you need online through websites like Talkspace, BetterHelp, ReGain, and Thriveworks.


If the pandemic has disrupted your fitness goals, there’s still time to get back on track before the end of the year rolls around. By tweaking your diet, trying a few online workouts and exercise routines, and finding ways to reduce stress in your life, you’ll shed those pesky lockdown pounds in no time at all.


Are you ready to shed those pesky lockdown pounds and get back to looking and feeling your best? Visit Elite Fitness Essentials to shop for fitness tech and exercise equipment to help put you on the path to success.

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